Thursday, January 8, 2015

Let's Talk Politics

Over the last few elections, I noticed the lack of knowledge of our generation when it comes to politics, laws and legal rights. I would hear conversations where people were repeating what they heard someone else say on the news or what they read on Facebook. Falling to dig deeper and even stay current. I came across many who didn't vote, many who didn't understand the issues or cause and those who faked as if they knew the issues just to be apart of the conversation. 

I was fortunate to work on a winning political campaign and twice for  Nevada Legislative Session. I found the experience to be extremely educational. Of course I have to share all this information.  Both experiences created a hunger of knowledge  for what is going on not only in my state, but in my country. 

Politics became cool again when Obama became President. We talk about politics on a date, after church and during happy hour.  However, do we really know the process and the issues? I wanted to create a conformable, relaxed environment to share  the process.
This blog is bi-partisan (not taking any sides).  I won't favor a Democratic or a Republican. This is my blog, but I don't want it to be all about my opinion.  I want to give you the facts, the truth and create a better understanding.  Yes, you can Google it, but will really understand and how it applies to you?


  1. Great idea! Look forward to following your blog and reading your updates. Is there a way to subscribe so I get notified when you do blog updates? Thx!

  2. Omg i love love love this! great job im soooo proud
